Top Ten Tips for a better vocal performance
Here are 10 tips for better vocal performances. These helpful hints have been curetted through countless hours of mixing sound from both a front of house and monitor position. We have had the privilege of working with many artist and styles over the years and although styles change, basic principles remain. The next time you hit the stage, I wish you the best performance of your life.
1. Know your stuff forward & backward
Knowing your content ice cold provides the groundwork for performance. Your content or material is the vehicle which you drive toward success. Memorization is key. It allows you to focus on many other things rather than the words. A great practice is to write out your songs in monologue form and “perform” them with no music. Whatever your method, knowing your material are the roots of a great show.
2. Be on time
If you are on time you are late. Show up at least five min early before your call time. It takes a bit to get your coat off, catch the vibe, ext. If you are late, apologies to everyone who has been waiting for you and make the effort to be early next time.
3. Practice Hard
It takes thousands of hours to master a skill. You have to put in the work. Practicing daily will increase your abilities and hone your talent.
4. Build Your Network
This is a collaborative art form. You can go far on your own, but you will only finish the journey with others. Learn to network, seek mentors, and play nice with others.
5. Be a Great Partner
At the end of the day, all you have is your reputation. Many have played the short game but if you are interested in building a career, you will need to become a servant leader. The more people you help achieve there goals, the further they will propel you toward yours.
6. Go the extra mile
Be a team player. Help those around you and be the first to volunteer. You will grow as an individual and expand your skillset.
7. Take care of your teeth
This may be a strange one, but your dental health is very important. Your likeness depends on it and good hygiene promotes confidence. Your teeth were designed to last a lifetime. Its also a trickldown effect. If you start by taking care of your teeth, you will want to be concerned with your overall health.
8. Listen to many styles of music
Expand your repertoire. Seek out those who are doing new things and are on the cutting edge. These are your colleagues. Learn from them, experiment, and implement other perspectives into your scope. You will become a well rounded performer and gain the ability to connect with those from different backgrounds.
9. Pay it forward
Pass on what you have learned and don’t be afraid to receive and give feedback. Art is not created in a vacuum. Start building a legacy that we can leave for the next generation. The world has become a beautiful place because you have been here.
10. Have fun
Don’t take things personally. It was probably not that big of a deal. It definitely was not life or death. This whole thing should be an amazing experience. You want to look back at the time you invested and be proud.